• Introduced new 300mm implant product suite. including the MC3 for medium current, the ULE3 for ultra-low energy and the HE3 for high energy applications
  • HE3 Ships to first 300mm fab
  • Implanter Network Options introduced, the industry’s first program to provide a state-of-the-art, cost-effective method of remotely monitoring and operating ion implantation equipment –precursor to remote diagnostics systems.


  • GSD/200E2 introduced. This is still being sold today as the GSD Ovation, which was relaunched in 2021
  • One of the bigger process challenges in this era was charge control, as the gate oxide thickness was such that it was very sensitive to charge breakdown. As a result, Eaton introduced the back biased Secondary Electron Flood (SEF) to provide charge control with low risk of emitting high energy primary electrons
  • 8200P mid current implanter introduced, featuring innovative parallel scanning beam


  • Eaton introduced the world’s first production high energy system, with a throughput of 210 wph and a footprint that fits into a standard fab bay
  • The NV-GSD-HE was the integration of the GSD end station and the LINAC technology from the NV-1000 and NV-1002. This marked the beginning of another period of rapid growth and innovation
  • The growth in high energy over the next several years was extremely rapid as high energy well isolation techniques became commonplace at reasonable CoO thanks to the reliability of the LINAC design
  • The flexibility and reliability of the basic LINAC design continues to support Axcelis market leadership in high energy ion implantation


  • Eaton Ships 1000th system
  • NV-8200P introduced featuring unmatched beam purity
  • NV-GSD/200 introduced designed for low energy performance, quick species change and high beam utilization


  • First in industry to offer in situ particle control monitor and in situ charge monitor in a high current system as a standard feature


  • NV-GSD is introduced and would go on to become the most successful high current implanter in the history of the industry with >600 units shipped in total, most of which are still in production. Featured unique Gyroscopic end station, the industry’s first two-axis tilt capability, for advanced processes and throughput of >200wph
  • NV-1002 high energy system introduced
  • NV-6200AV is introduced, with innovative platen design, rotation during processing and multiple tilt angles from 0 to 60 degrees